Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Detroit Mayor Dave Bing reacts to financial review team's implicit recommendation of emergency manager

?DETROIT,?MI -- Mayor?Dave Bing said he'll stay focused on his current initiatives in a dry statement reacting to a financial review team's implicit recommendation that Gov. Rick Snyder appoint an emergency manager for the city.

(More: State says Detroit has no satisfactory plan for restructuring in implicit emergency manager recommendation)

?Certainly I am not surprised by the findings of the State?s financial review team," Bing said. "My administration has been saying for the past four years that the city is under financial stress."

Bing has said repeatedly that he doesn't believe an emergency manager could accomplish much more than his staff has.

Despite drastic cutbacks to city services, Detroit is facing a $327 million budget deficit and long-term debt exceeding $13 billion.

Bing and City Council, though frequently butting heads in the process, implemented dozens of reforms and dramatic cuts to employee wages and city services in over the last year in an attempt to prevent a state takeover.

But the changes, which included major outsourcing moves, health care changes, fire station closures and other desperate measures like selling scrap metal from abandoned vehicles, have proved inadequate, according to the review team's report.

?If the governor decides to appoint an emergency financial manager, he or she, like my administration, is going to need resources -- particularly in the form of cash and additional staff.

?As I have said before, my Administration will stay focused on the initiatives that most directly impact the citizens of Detroit: public safety, public lighting, transportation, recreation and neighborhood blight removal.?

-State says Detroit has no satisfactory plan for restructuring in implicit emergency manager recommendation

-Financial review team finds Detroit can't solve financial emergency on its own

- Review team 'paints a grim picture' about Detroit's finances in report

-A look at New York?s 1970s turnaround paints bleak picture of what could be ahead for Detroit

-Gov. Rick Snyder looks at potential emergency managers as Detroit reports financial reforms

-National expert: 'A magician' needed to fill Gov. Rick Snyder's Detroit emergency financial manager job

-Detroit emergency manager should be a local, state representative says

-5 striking things Detroit Mayor Dave Bing said in his State of the City address

-Dave Bing's State of the City speech: Will Detroit mayor make case to stay, or prepare for handoff?

Follow Khalil AlHajal on Twitter @DetroitKhalil or on Facebook at Detroit Khalil. He can be reached at or 313-643-0527.


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